Case Study

How Areto’s context-detecting software compares to social media platforms’ banned words lists

Social media platforms allow users to upload banned words lists to automatically block comments.
Are they accidentally blocking the sweet stuff along with the sour?

We took the profanity test to find out!


Analysis: We put a 1,000-word “banned words” list head-to-head against Areto’s AI systems

Data: Over a 30-day period, out of 95,000 comments we collected and analyzed from X, Instagram and Facebook, we observed 4,710 instances of profanity.



4,710 profanity found

4,710 profanity actioned


4,710 profanity found

1,509 profanity actioned


false positives found by Areto


positive comments not blocked by Areto


Areto ID’d additional abusive comments that didn’t contain profanity for a total of 1,954 actioned comments


Areto outperforms banned words lists, finding more abuse and saving genuine fan engagement

Thanks to Areto's AI systems, Areto outperformed the banned words list, saving 3,000+ fan comments from the chopping block, & finding 445 more abusive comments that didn't include profanity.


CONTEXT IS QUEEN when it comes to effectively moderating online abuse & harassment and promoting healthy dialogue, fostering authentic engagement and nurturing passionate fandom.

Dealing with abuse? Try Areto for free!