Case Study

How Ben O’Keeffe Reclaimed His Social Media &

Reduced Negativity by 65%


reduction in negativity


increase in positivity


restored love of social media


Rugby World Cup referee Ben O’Keeffe had previously struggled with online abuse, affecting his social media engagement and mental wellbeing. Anticipating similar issues during RWC 2023, Ben used Areto to shield his social media from toxic commentary in multiple languages.

Areto not only filtered out negativity but also boosted positive engagement, providing Ben with peace of mind. This allowed him to focus on his performance and led to a "massive positive increase in focus and happiness," as well as a renewed love for social media.


Digital Detoxifier

Comment Shield

Troll ID

Fan Finder

Illegal Stream Remover

Areto Score






Barrage of online abuse across his social media accounts

Ben O'Keeffe, a distinguished Rugby World Cup referee and New Zealand Rugby Referee of the Year, has been known for his dedication to using social media to educate and engage with fans. His goal has been to humanize the profession of refereeing and build a stronger connection with the audience. However, as he approached the Rugby World Cup 2023, major challenges arose.

Ben O'Keeffe wanted to use his social channels to educate and engage with fans and humanize his profession, but online abuse was undermining his efforts and distracting from his message.

Impact on Engagement

Focus & Family Concerns

 The constant barrage of negative comments not only disrupted Ben’s focus but caused concern among his family and friends.

Multi-Language Complexity

Given the international nature of the Rugby World Cup, Ben’s social media content attracted comments in multiple languages, complicating the moderation process and increasing the risk of harmful content slipping through.

Autodeletion of abuse in multiple languages

  • Automatic Removal of Negativity and Abuse

    Areto’s technology enabled the auto-removal of harmful comments based on Ben’s predefined tolerance thresholds. This ensured that abusive content was filtered out in real-time without manual intervention.

  • Set-and-Forget Technology & Peace of Mind

    Ben did not need to actively manage the software; he could trust that it was continuously running in the background, protecting his social media channels from negativity and abuse, and setting his mind–and family–at ease.

  • Multi-Language Coverage

    Areto’s advanced moderation capabilities supported multiple languages, ensuring that harmful content was effectively managed across all the languages used by Ben’s international audience. This comprehensive coverage prevented abuse in various languages from disrupting his online presence.

Partnering with Areto allowed Ben to overcome significant challenges related to online abuse and negative engagement on his social media channels. This partnership not only improved his mental well-being but also enabled him to continue using social media as a positive and engaging platform, ultimately enhancing his connection with fans and humanizing the refereeing profession.

8% Increase in Positive Engagement

With a cleaner social media environment, Ben saw a notable rise in positive interactions from fans, reinforcing his ability to engage and educate effectively.

65% Reduction in Negative Comments

Areto significantly decreased the volume of harmful comments, reducing distractions & enhancing Ben’s online experience.

100% Restored Love of Social Media

Ben rediscovered his enthusiasm for social media, thanks to the protection and positive environment provided by Areto, allowing him to continue sharing his passion for the game with his audience.

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