The Latest Stories on Online Abuse Across the Globe

With the unprecedented rise of internet use and the comfort it provides at the tip of our fingers, one can wonder whether this accessibility comes with any costs.  Unfortunately, it does.  The rise in our screen time and exposure to the digital world is taking away from our mental health, sense of safety and happiness.  Why?  Online abuse. 

“A culture of impunity has developed on social media with a lack of meaningful consequences.”

Kick It Out, an organization that works within the football, educational and community sectors to challenge discrimination, has written an open letter to prime minister Rishni Sunak, calling on them to provide greater online protection to football players, staff and fans.

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“All complaints of abuse, discrimination and harassment at the national level will go directly to the Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner, a new federal agency.”

Hockey Canada says it has become a full signatory to Abuse-Free Sport, the new independent program to prevent and address maltreatment in sport in Canada.  

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“Each chapter provides over 20 recommendations to newsrooms and internet companies respectively to counter online violence against women journalists.” 

On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, UNESCO and the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) released a new research which studies online violence against women journalist globally. Findings of the study brought up discussions on a need for a moderation tool to remove toxicity. 

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“We need to see a clear timetable of when this bill will proceed, to give victims the confidence that this bill is still a government priority.”

The UK Government has been criticized for endangering children by failing to approve its online safety measure, after confirming that the intended legislation has been delayed yet again due to a change in prime minister.

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In today’s modern world, online abuse can deter people from getting involved.  As Areto Labs, our mission is to help protect people by tacking abuse comments on social media and acting against online hate. Schedule a demo to learn more.  


Areto Labs joins Women in Football with a pledge to #GetOnside


Attention sports broadcasters: The comments are your next greatest opportunity