Sports brings people together, yet many remain excluded:

5 organizations dedicated to bringing equality in sports

Sports remains one of the best ways to bring people together, bridge societies and foster cultural inclusion - it has a unique power to relay important messages without relying on any one language.  And YET, many people are still excluded from sports for reasons such as gender identity, race, sexual orientation, gender expression, etc. 

Thankfully, there are organizations all around the world who are dedicated to creating an inclusive and equitable sports environment for all 👏🏼.  If you want to keep your hopes high, here are 5 organizations who are raising their voice to eliminate discriminatory acts in sports. 

“It's just really important that we start celebrating our differences. Let's start tolerating first, but then we need to celebrate our differences.” - Billie Jean King

1. Canadian Women & Sport

Canadian Women & Sport is dedicated to creating an equitable and inclusive Canadian sport and physical activity system that empowers girls and women – as active participants and leaders – within and through sport. They partner with sport organizations, governments and leaders to build better sports through gender equity. Their work focuses on building a stronger, more equitable sport system for girls and women for all Canadians. Visit the website.

2. Athletes Ally

Athlete Ally educates athletic communities at all levels to understand obstacles to inclusion for LGBTQ people in sports and how they can build inclusive communities on their teams or within their organizations.  Working with front office staff of major sports leagues and institutions like the NBA, NCAA and the MLB, their mission is to end the rampant homophobia and transphobia in sport and to activate the athletic community to exercise their leadership to champion LGBTQI+ equality.  They are working to develop clear and accessible policies around LGBTQ inclusion.  Visit the website.

3. Play it Forward

Play It Forward hopes to create and enhance more opportunities for women as professional athletes, as managers, and as leaders in the sports profession.  They also offer programs in which they educate, train and mentor other athletes while they participate as sport ambassadors in their communities.  Thus, in order to advance  gender equality the organization has developed a unique and contemporary model that empowers female athletes to play forward their talents and experiences as they inspire, educate, and mentor others to reach their dreams. Visit the website.

4. Rise to Win

Rise to Win is a national nonprofit organization based in the US that aims to educate and empower the sports community to eliminate racial discrimination, champion social justice and improve race relations. Through partnerships and programs, RISE engages the sports community to advance values of respect, understanding, tolerance and equality.  Their vision says it all: Creating a nation unified through sports committed to racial equity and social justice.  Visit the website.

5. Women Sport Foundation

The Women Sport Foundation was founded by Billie Jean King, who is one of the 20th century’s most respected and influential people and a champion for social change and equality. The foundation was established to advance the lives of women and girls through sports and physical activity.  Their mission is loud and clear: “We are the ally, advocate and catalyst for tomorrow’s leaders. We exist to enable girls and women to reach their potential in sport and in life”. Besides a great mission, Women Sport Foundation funds research, provides financial support to athletes, and helps communities get girls active.  Visit the website.

No one should have to question whether or not they would be a “good fit” to start participating in sports. There is no doubt that it is time to transform the game so that everyone can realize their power and freely practice their dreams.  These organizations are just some of the few that are working to build an inclusive future for all in sports.  

In today’s modern world, online abuse can deter marginalized people from getting involved, even before they step on the field. Representation matters, and if people see athletes like them subject to social media toxicity, it can be a major deterrent to their participation.   As Areto Labs, our mission is to protect athletes from abuse by tracking abusive comments on social media and acting against online hate.  Areto Labs can help sports organizations change the discourse of abusive conversations online.  Schedule a demo to learn more. The ball is in your court.

Learn more here:

Written by Ece Sitki


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