Olympic Hopeful Kayla Bushey Joins Areto Labs as Athlete Ambassador

Areto Labs, a leading technology company revolutionizing the social media landscape, is thrilled to announce the addition of Kayla Bushey, a track and field triple jump athlete, as their newest Athlete Ambassador. With her incredible talent and inspiring journey, Kayla brings a fresh perspective to the partnership, aiming to empower athletes and promote a healthier online environment. In this exclusive interview, we delve into Kayla's background, her motivation behind joining forces with Areto Labs, her experiences with social media, and her thoughts on the future of this dynamic platform.

Q: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your background?

A: Of course! My name is Kayla, and I have been training as a track and field triple jump athlete for the past seven years. At 29, I am relentlessly pursuing my dream of competing in the Paris 2024 and Los Angeles 2028 Olympics. I have always been passionate about sports and decided to fully commit to my athletic journey at the age of 22. As a former small school athlete, I value the power of support and relish the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who understand the challenges and triumphs of this path.

Q: What motivated you to engage in a partnership with Areto Labs?

A: The idea of having virtual support resonates with me profoundly. Sharing my story online can be intense, with numerous people and opinions vying for attention. Joining forces with Areto Labs allows me to connect with individuals who genuinely care about creating a more supportive environment for athletes like me. I firmly believe in the importance of fostering a community that facilitates sharing and empowers athletes to overcome obstacles.

Q: What impact has social media had on your life?

A: Social media has played a pivotal role in creating opportunities for me to showcase my journey and advance my training. It has allowed me to connect with a diverse audience and share my story authentically. However, social media does come with its challenges. Posting online can sometimes trigger anxiety, and I'm constantly working on navigating those emotions. Nonetheless, the platform has undeniably propelled me forward and allowed me to engage with a wider audience than ever before.

Q: Have you ever experienced social media abuse or toxicity? How did you handle it?

A: Yes, I have encountered social media abuse, although on a smaller scale. Initially, I would dwell on the negative comments, letting them affect me deeply. However, I have learned the power of taking control. Now, I promptly delete harmful comments and refuse to let them overshadow the positive connections I make. It's incredible how liberating it feels to assert control over the narrative.

Q: What do you think is the future of social media?

A: Social media is a constantly evolving landscape, making it difficult to predict its exact future. However, I believe that at its core, social media will always be a platform for storytelling. Regardless of its form, it will continue to provide a space for individuals to share their experiences, dreams, and triumphs. The power lies in harnessing this platform for positive change and fostering a community that uplifts and supports one another.

Q: How do you think online abuse affects mental health and well-being?

A: Online abuse has an enormous impact on mental health and overall well-being. As someone who grew up alongside the emergence of platforms like Facebook during my high school years, I experienced firsthand the lack of coping mechanisms to handle constant harassment and bullying. Even as an adult, I still grapple with the effects of negativity. I can only imagine the hardships faced by younger individuals who are still discovering themselves and have to navigate this onslaught of negativity across multiple social media profiles. It's crucial to address and combat this issue for the betterment of mental health.

Q: What advice would you give to someone who is experiencing online abuse or cyberbullying?

A: Firstly, I would like to emphasize that online abuse is unequivocally wrong. Although it may be distressingly prevalent, we must refuse to accept it as the norm. My advice would be to take control by utilizing the delete and block buttons. Surround yourself with people who genuinely care about you and the positivity you bring to the world. Remember that the online experience is like a rollercoaster—there will be ups and downs. Focus on the positive connections and keep riding, knowing that the negativity doesn't define who you truly are.

Q: Is there anything else you would like to add?

A: Absolutely. It's essential to recognize that social media is merely a tool—a powerful one at that. However, navigating this tool becomes increasingly challenging when algorithms prioritize engagement over mental well-being. We must constantly remind ourselves that our online presence is just a fragment of who we are. It should never completely define us. Let's utilize social media in ways that empower us and promote positivity.

As Kayla Bushey embarks on her inspiring athletic journey, she brings a strong voice and powerful insights to her role as Athlete Ambassador for Areto Labs. Her experiences with social media, both positive and negative, have shaped her advocacy for a healthier online environment. With her partnership, Areto Labs aims to foster a supportive community for athletes, empowering them to share their stories while combatting online abuse and toxicity. Kayla's dedication to her sport and her determination to make a positive impact serve as an inspiration to athletes worldwide.

For more updates on Kayla Bushey and her journey, follow her on Instagram: @killabushey. 

Photographer Credit: Ale Fumero


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