🍋 Spam Showdown: Instagram vs. Facebook & The Hidden Costs of Ignoring Spam in Your Content Strategy 

Why managing spam matters, how it could be quietly draining your content budget

In the fiercely competitive world of sports and media, every aspect of your online presence matters. From hashtags to follower counts, benchmarking against the competition is a part of your daily routine. In this blog post, we dive into the world of spam on two of the biggest social media platforms, Instagram and Facebook. We explore the key differences between spam on these platforms and how it can impact your engagement metrics, fan community growth and revenue streams.

Instagram: The Speedy Invasion of Spam Bots

Instagram, the visual playground for sports enthusiasts, is a prime target for spam bots. These digital intruders waste no time and swarm your new posts within seconds of hitting the publish button. The types of spam on Instagram posts are often crypto and investment scams, as well as porn bots.

But why does that matter? 

Spamfest vs a genuine community?

Well, these spam bots are often found lurking in the top-level comments, cluttering your post with unsolicited content. This means that your genuine followers and fans must sift through a barrage of spam just to reach the authentic conversations they crave.

The consequences are clear: Instagram spam discourages real fans from engaging authentically. It tarnishes the appearance of your post's comment thread, making it look more like a spamfest than a thriving community. 

This is a situation you definitely want to avoid. 

Watch your time and fans’ patience slip away

If you don’t manage spam, you’re leaving content strategy money on the table:

  1. You end up spending more time deleting spam than you engaging with fans

  2. Your fans are spending more time scrolling past spam than engaging in genuine conversation

  3. Those who are managing spam automatically are seeing mega engagement boosts in their community metrics without increasing posting frequency

Leaving content strategy money on the table is like watching your time and your fans' patience slip away. Instead of engaging with your dedicated followers, you're stuck playing whack-a-mole with spam. Your audience, eager for real conversations, gets bogged down in a never-ending scroll of junk, dissuading them from engaging. It also impacts your brand reputation - the more spam you have, the less “genuine” your brand appears.

But here's the kicker: those who've smartly automated their spam management are cashing in on mega engagement boosts without breaking a sweat. Here’s how the New Jersey Devils have increased engagement by 78% using Areto

Facebook: The Multi-Pronged Assault of Spam Bots on User-Generated Comments (UGC)

Facebook, with its broad audience, is another battleground for spam. Just like Instagram, spam bots are lightning-fast in swarming your new posts. But on Facebook, the assault doesn't stop there. On Facebook, these bots also launch mass replies to authentic commenters, turning YOUR FANS’ COMMENTS into a spam battleground. Yup, on Facebook, all that hard-earned UGC are fodder for those pesky bots.

Also unlike Instagram, Facebook spam tends to include illegal streams, shopping scams and phishing attempts, including fake friend requests. 

The impact on engagement metrics can be substantial, affecting your reach and the authenticity of your fan interactions. In fact, this type of relentless spamming on user-generated comments has a dual impact:

  1. Scaring off your fans, impacting share of voice

  2. Scaring off your commercial partners, impacting your bottom line

Scaring off your fans: Spam hurts your share of voice

Firstly, it discourages genuine fans from engaging authentically on your posts. 

Spam on user-generated content poses a significant threat to growing your share of voice, because it directly impacts your fans’ desire to engage. User-generated content thrives on authenticity, genuine interactions and meaningful contributions from a community of passionate individuals. UGC spam disrupts this delicate ecosystem by injecting fear into the mix, fear that every time your fans try to engage with your brand, they’re attracting the attention of spammers.

Users become wary of posting anything, and in the relentless quest for share of voice, it's essential to recognize that UGC spam hinders your ability to foster genuine connections and drive meaningful discussions, ultimately weakening your impact in the digital arena.

Scaring off your commercial partners: spam hurts your bottom line

UGC spam leads to a surge in illegal streams and shopping scams, drawing potential viewers away from legitimate providers and undermining your revenue streams.

These insidious forms of spam divert potential viewers and consumers away from legitimate channels and offerings. In the case of illegal streams, fans may opt for unauthorized, free broadcasts over official paid platforms, depriving the brand of valuable broadcasting revenue. 

On the other hand, shopping scams deceive fans into purchasing counterfeit merchandise or falling victim to fraudulent transactions, tarnishing the brand's reputation and eroding consumer trust. 

This not only results in immediate financial losses but also carries long-term consequences by diminishing the brand's perceived value. In the highly competitive world of sports, where every dollar counts, combating such spam is crucial to protecting revenue streams and safeguarding the brand's financial health.

Take action today!

Understanding the differences in spam behaviour between Instagram and Facebook is vital to maximizing your content strategy and team efficiency. It's not just about protecting your brand image; it's about preserving the authenticity of fan interactions and safeguarding your revenue streams. Stay vigilant, stay competitive, and let your engagement metrics reflect your commitment to authenticity!

To safeguard your fan engagement and revenue streams, or to find out how you stack up compared to your competition, get in touch today!

Areto: Your automated bot-busting assistant

Maximize engagement, protect revenue streams and safeguard your brand’s financial health with Areto: Just ask the New Jersey Devils 

Using the latest AI technology to detect and combat spam, scams and illegal streams, the Areto software automatically removes 99% spam in under 3 seconds from your posts and from UGC. 

Areto acts as your bot-busting assistant, cleaning up your feeds and protecting your fans, while helping you increase community engagement and reach, and protecting your revenue, while you can focus on engagement with genuine fans and building content you know they’ll love. 

How the New Jersey Devils used Areto to increase per post engagement by 78%! 


Ethical Moderation Series Part 1:


Behind the Whistle: Ben O'Keeffe on Refereeing, Resilience, and Online Realities